Arkanian Offshoot (6)Full unit name: Arkanian Offshoot
Last updated: 28.08.2024 19:31:35
Basic info
First appearance: Knights of the Old Republic 00 : Crossroads
Included into
Knights of the Old Republic, Volume 1
The Arkanian Offshoots were a sub-species of the Arkanian race, genetically engineered by the famed Arkanian scientists and genetic researchers of the Old Republic era. Known to be unscrupulous when it came to the bounds of scientific exploration, the geneticists of Arkania began to experiment on their own species, mixing the blood of other races with their own to create offshoots of the Arkanian species. These offshoots were first bred to excel at specific industrial tasks such as mechanical or technical work in order to relieve pure-blooded Arkanians of physical labor. One particular sub-species were bred as workers for the famed Arkanian gem mines. These people had five-fingered hands and eyes resembling those of the Human race with which their blood was mixed. With stark white skin, the offshoots were easily distinguished from the pure-bloods and were often shunned, even if covertly. Among the other races the Arkanian's experimented with were the Sephi of Thustra, a species of humanoids with pointed ears.


Known members
Arca Jeth
Known for being a members of the following organizations
Jedi Order
The End of the Beast Wars of Onderon (4000BBY)
Complete list

Full unit name: Arkanian Offshoot Last updated: 28.08.2024 19:31:35